Lake “Tahoe” is derived from the Washoe “da-ow-a-ga”. As the story goes, foreign ears misunderstood the phrase and came up with “Tahoe” instead. “Da-ow-a-ga” translates to “edge of the lake”.
Researchers theorize that the Washoe Tribe has been present in the area surrounding the Tallac Historic Site since 4,000 BCE. For centuries, the tribe traveled across the Sierra Nevada and The Great Basin following the changing seasons. As the heat picked up in the Carson Valley, tribal members moved into the sacred Tahoe Basin for foraging, fishing, hunting, basket making, and more.
Tallac Point and Taylor Creek are believed to have been important fishing sites. During this time, the native Lahontan Cutthroat Trout grew large and abundant, providing a substantial food source. The Washoe people also gathered materials here for basketry, a craft for which they are renowned.
Explorer John C. Fremont is credited with being the first white settler to view Lake Tahoe in 1844. Once gold was discovered in California in 1848, pioneer traffic to the region significantly increased. A popular route to access the goldfields was the Mormon-Carson route, south of Tahoe and through Lake Valley (present-day Meyers). Businesses sprung up to service travelers, including Yank’s Station, in 1859. Ephraim “Yank” Clement was a lively character who became integral in shaping the Tallac Historic Site.
In the 1860s, silver mines boomed in Nevada, and passenger trains began operating on the North Shore. This change decreased traffic via the southern route, prompting Clement to invest in other business ventures. In the early 1870s, he bought eight acres of land at Tallac Point on the Tahoe shore. The land was previously a federally owned parcel sold into private ownership. He and his wife Lydia built a hostelry at the site called the Tallac Point House. The structure could sleep 40 guests and included a ballroom and camping grounds. While Clement’s business grew, another colorful, outspoken character wanted the same land for a much grander vision.

Elias J. “Lucky” Baldwin purchased the remaining 138 acres within the parcel in 1872, which reserved the eight acres already sold to Clement. Baldwin was a self-made millionaire with landholdings throughout California; he also purchased property around Fallen Leaf Lake, Taylor Creek, and Tallac Point.
For obvious reasons, Clement and Baldwin famously did not get along. In 1880, Baldwin foreclosed on Clement’s Tallac Point House and immediately began improvements. Baldwin’s vision was one of grandeur and elegance. He added cottages, greens for lawn games, waterlines, and a boat for excursions. His resort was secluded, pricey, and attractive to the wealthy San Franciscans he hoped to serve.
Yank Clement was not finished with the Tallac area, however. Instead, he purchased a sliver of land east of Baldwin’s property and built a new hostelry, the Cascade House. This structure served a clientele lacking the same deep pockets as those who frequented Baldwin’s resort. Clement was a year-round resident of Lake Tahoe and would live at this site (present-day Pope Estate) until his death in 1891. Baldwin later purchased the land from Clement’s surviving wife.
Completed in 1899, Baldwin added a second hotel at his resort, the Tallac Hotel. A marvel in its time, the building had electricity powered by the Fallen Leaf Lake dam and indoor plumbing. The resort was touted as “the grandest in all the world,” and Baldwin added the Tallac Casino shortly after the hotel’s completion.
To help finance these improvements, Baldwin sold the parcel of land comprising the current-day Pope Estate. First, Baldwin leased the land to George Tallant in 1894, and Tallant built the original 2,000 square feet of the Pope House. In 1899, Baldwin sold the property to the Tevis family after Tallant decided to move. The Tevis family invested much into the house and land during their 20-year ownership of the site.
In 1909, Lucky Baldwin died at the height of success in Lake Tahoe. The Tallac Casino would close a few years after, and, with the outbreak of World War I, the rest of his resort. In 1914, the Tallac Point House burned down. In 1920, Anita Baldwin demolished the Tallac Hotel based on environmental and economic concerns. Only two buildings from the resort survive today, Anita and Dextra’s cabins.
Lucky Baldwin’s heirs grew up enjoying summers in Lake Tahoe. His daughter, Anita, and granddaughter, Dextra, used their inheritances to build private summer homes in the area. In 1921, Dextra commissioned her Scandinavian architecture home to be built adjacent to the old Tallac Hotel. Anita’s home was constructed at Fallen Leaf Lake; however, it has since burned down. Dextra Baldwin McGonagle, her family, and staff spent their summers at Lake Tahoe, quietly enjoying the scenery until her death in 1967.
In the early 1920s, the Tevis family experienced a financial crisis and were forced from their beloved Tahoe vacation home. They had doubled the original house’s size, adding gardens, ponds, and many servant quarters to the property. In 1923, George A. Pope of Talbot & Pope Lumber brought the home out of bankruptcy by purchasing it from the bank. Multiple generations of the Pope family vacationed at this site until the family chose to sell it in 1965.
Restoration and maintenance are ongoing at Tallac as time and weather continue to deteriorate structures. However, as Lucky Baldwin would famously say, during difficult times, “By Gad, I Ain’t Licked Yet!”
Conclusion History of Tallac Historic Site
The history of Tallac historic site offers a fascinating glimpse into the evolution of Lake Tahoe from its prehistoric roots to its status as a premier resort destination. From the early presence of the Washoe Tribe to the bustling era of gold and silver mining, and finally, to the grand vision of Lucky Baldwin, each period has left an indelible mark on the Tallac Historic Site. Today, the remnants of this storied past, from Baldwin’s luxurious resort to the serene summer homes of his descendants, continue to captivate visitors. As ongoing restoration efforts preserve these historic treasures, the Tallac Historic Site stands as a testament to the resilience and enduring allure of Lake Tahoe’s rich heritage.